TopsOJ Feature Changelog

Version 24.3 (TopsOJ April Version)

Published on April 6, 2024


Added search by points (upper and lower bound supported).

Made several limited features public (for users who aren't logged in).

Patched/balanced some triangulate features.

Added ranking for most points in the last 7 days.

Fixed positioning errors.

Improved attributions & added recent AMC 8/10/12 problems.


Added the option for users to hide problem tags.
   The option to view this can be toggled in user settings.
   Problem lists will now display whether tags are hidden or not.
   This setting is overridden in the problem itself, where a temporary button can show/hide tags at will (default hidden)

Fixed dark mode in changelog.

Added a filter so you can hide problems you have solved.

You can now sort problems by category/name/solves/point value by clicking the corresponding title in the problems table.

Fixed security bugs involving user submissions.

Version 24.3 (TopsOJ March Version)

Published on March 3, 2024


Added triangulate.

Balanced and fixed triangulate.

Fixed bugs involving post contest.

Contest display fixes.

Version 24.2 (TopsOJ February Version)

Published on February 3, 2024


Enlarged all problems.

Began tag adding to problems.

Highlights user in rankings.

Added contest join confirmations.

Version 24.1 (TopsOJ January Version)

Published on January 1, 2024


Fixed admin backend bugs and displays.

Fixed a variety of team contest bugs.

Added next set/problem for live contests.

Massive contest query optimizations.

Changed "efficiency" stat to "general rating".

Changed ranking icons/gradient.


Officially released dark mode as beta.

Fixed email sending bugs.

Added time zone aware URL's in contest start and end times.

Finished "Our Team", "Uptime", and "Changelog" in the info section.


Implemented and released the Mock Generator.

Improved rating algorithm (releasing next month)

Implemented and added contest timed windows.

Repaired some more broken problems.

Added discord section in "Info" using a discord widget.

Version 23.12 (TopsOJ December Version)

Published on December 1, 2023


Added guts contest features.

Added problem tags.

Started contest rating algorithm.

Minor color modifications.

Added hover-growable elements (CSS)

Problem edit/create quality of life updates.

Fixed bug with "Filter by category".


Start making math gym, added colorful gradients.
   Global Problems
   POTD Lists
   POTD Leaderboard
   Mental math practice

Improved problem icons, added an "attempted" icon.

Added a "search by problem title" feature with fuzzy search.

Added ranking medals beside top five users.

Split user profiles into "user-info" and "quick stats".


Added a gradient asthetic for top five users in user-info

Added a multi-select "search by tags" featrure for problems.

Improved problem search UI

Vastly improved account email confirmation UI

Added all CEMC PCF problems

Added next/prev button for problems in a contest (such as AMC).

Added search by users and rankings page by 50.

Added site tester perm, improved team algorithms, added team features.

Version 23.11 (Official Release)

Published on November 1, 2023


Performance updates on redirects.

Repaired broken AIME problems.

Backend NGINX/server optimizations.


Balanced out the efficiency statistic by adding weightings and more factors.

Added basic and advanced user statistics.
   Basic stats: join date, problems solved and points.
   Advanced stats: everything else, such as total submissions.


Quality of life updates
   Seperate contest rankings.
   Minor positioning fixes.
   Color modifications.

Bug fixes
   Fixed installer bugs.
   Fixed contest related bugs.
   Fixed backend bugs.

Security updates
   Updated requirements.txt
   Updated module versions.
   Improved helper functions.

Added global/public submission viewing.


Huge performance update with SQL query optimizations.

Added specific submission viewing for problems and contests.

Minor UI fix with login page, register page, and problems page.

Admin related updates involving submissions.

Version 23.10 (Beta Release)

Published on October 1, 2023


Fixed contest system and API.

General UI Improvements.

Performance Updates.

Formatting and alert/warning design changes.


Edited alerts and cards related to contest.

Permanently changed domain to

Repaired broken problems.

Added virtual/post-contest solving.


Added a submission limit to current contests, past contests do not have this limit.

Added an efficiency statistic for users (this was renamed to "General Rating" in version 24.1).

UX and UI improvements related to rankings and scoreboard.

Version 23.9 (Alpha Release)

Published on September 16, 2023

Initial public release

Version 1.0 (Raw Creation)

Published on July 27, 2023

Initial private release (first domain)